ROOF - We're looking for what type of material is covering the roof, and it's overall condition. We want to see if the seals and flashing of penetrations coming through the roof are in good condition, and that they are properly installed. We also check the chimney and gutter system condition and check for clogs or debris in the system.
EXTERIOR - We're looking for the condition of siding, flashing, soffit, fascia, trim, doors, walkways, patios, driveways, decks, porches, steps, vegetation, grading and drainage.
PLUMBING - We're looking for the location and condition of the main water, and main gas valves. We'll check sinks, tubs, showers, and Jacuzzis. We check the faucets, drains, water distribution, hot water systems, fuel storage/distribution systems, and sump pump visual condition.
FIREPLACE - We visually check vents, flues, lintels, dampers, clean-outs, the fire box condition, and note the fuel type of the fireplace system.
ELECTRICAL - As per the state mandate and the Internachi Standards of practice (SOP), home inspectors in NJ are only required to check a "representative amount" of GFCI and AFCI receptacles as well as standard outlets for functionality and proper grounding polarity. That means in a room with 15 outlets, the inspector would only have to check 3! We check ALL that are accessible! If we have access to it, we check it. We also check service entrance conductors (power lines entering the home), main electrical panels, sub panels, and main breaker panels with Infrared Thermal Imaging. Where visible, we check branch wiring circuits, and breakers. We also check fixtures, and switches, as well as the presence of smoke and carbon dioxide detectors.
COOLING - We check the cooling thermostat control function, the cooling equipment air handler and condensing unit functionality and condition. We also check for the presence of window or wall unit cooling systems, and the presence of heat pump systems.
HEATING - We check the heating thermostat control function, the heating equipment firing sequence, the distribution of heat, and the presence of auxiliary or external heating systems.
BASEMENT/FOUNDATION/CRAWL SPACE - Based on visual capability, we check the foundation, basement, crawl space, the floor, ceiling, and walls.
ATTIC/INSULATION/VENTILATION - Based on what is visible and accessible, we check the attic access, the attic ventilation, the insulation, and the underside roof condition.
INTERIOR - We check the doors, windows, floors, walls, ceilings, steps, railings, stairways, counter top material, and a representative amount of kitchen cabinets,
PROPERTY GRADE/DRAINAGE - Here, we're checking for the landscape grade to insure all ground water and other water is diverted away from the home structure.